Going Beneath The Surface: Protecting Our Oceans

As freediving instructors and passionate marine enthusiasts, we are intimately acquainted with the mesmerizing beauty and the delicate balance of the underwater world. However, our oceans are facing unprecedented threats from human activities, ranging from pollution to overfishing, and it's imperative that we take action to protect them.


Embracing Environmental Consciousness

Environmental awareness and ethical considerations are not just optional add-ons to our love for the sea; they are integral components of responsible freediving. Every breath we take underwater should be a reminder of our interconnectedness with the marine environment and our duty to preserve it.


Empowering Through Education

First and foremost, promoting environmental consciousness among our students is paramount. Through our freediving courses and workshops, we have a unique opportunity to instill a deep respect for the oceans and foster a sense of stewardship, so we integrate environmental education into every aspect of our teaching.


Taking Action for Conservation

As advocates for marine conservation, we actively participate in cleanup efforts and environmental initiatives like coral reef restoration projects. In our daily lives as well, we strive to lead by example, adopting eco-friendly practices and minimizing our carbon footprint. From reducing single-use plastics to choosing sustainable food options, every small change we make can have a ripple effect on the health of our oceans.

With everything we do, we seek install a love for the ocean and protecting the oceans.

With Love,

Chiara & Gas


Freediving: what it is, what is great about it, why it can suit everyone


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